Saturday, 30 July 2016


Tulisan ini lebih kepada “novice” atau “beginner”. So kalau yang dah expert tentang bab ni… maaflah ya mungkin bosan pulak nanti. Saya menulis berdasarkan pengetahuan, pengalaman dan rujukan dari sumber-sumber tertentu untuk memudahkan pemahaman saya sendiri dan cuba untuk fahamkan bagi yang masih baru. Sama-sama kita berkongsi dan belajar. Cuma jangan terkeliru dengan topic kapasitor penghidup motor! Dalam tulisan ini adakalanya saya lebih suka menggunakan secara terus istilah inggeris untuk memudahkan kefahaman.


Pernah tengok macam mana nak hidupkan motor saiz besar. Atau mudahnya kalau nak hidupkan air con bilik. Pasti kita akan tekan satu peralatan yang disambungkan ke air con tersebut.

Itulah yang kita namakan starter atau penghidup. Ada pelbagai jenis penghidup motor yang biasa digunakan. Ianya bergantung kepada saiz motor yang digunakan dan kegunaannya. Biasanya cadangan starter yang digunakan adalah :-

* sehingga 3 HP                                         : DOL (Direct on line)
* 3HP sehingga 5 HP                                 : Star Delta
* 5HP sehingga 10 HP                               : Autotrans

Bagi yang lebih ada yang menggunakan slip ring dan lainnya.

Disamping tu juga dah macam macam jenis ada. Star delta pun dah boleh pecah kepada beberapa jenis. Camtu jugak autotrans. Ada pulak yang pakai soft startet. Ada juga yang pakai “start via resistor, start via choke” dan macam-macam lagi. Tapi yang simple yang tiga jenis kat atas tu. Star delta pun jarang jumpa kalau dalam premis bangunan biasa. Selain DOL, yang banyak digunakan adalah autrans. Boleh rujuk sebahagian jadual dibawah :-

Dari sekecil 3.5KW (4.7HP) pun dah ada. Wiring auto trans adalah lebih mudah berbanding star delta, mungkin itulah sebab ianya digunakan dengan meluas untuk kegunaan biasa, seperti contohya pada sistem air con bangunan.

Sekarang ini, kebanyakan air con bersaiz kecil (sehingga 2HP), ada yang mempunyai DOL terbina dalam.  Malah bagi air con kecil juga ada yang hanya menggunakan heater switch sebagai suis air con tersebut. Dari pemerhatian saya, bagi air con diawah 1.5HP ianya berfungsi dengan baik, tetapi bagi air con 2.0HP heater switch tersebut selalu rosak (jammed),  mungkin disebabkan panas dan tak mampu menahan arus yang tinggi terutama ketika compressor hidup. Walaupun arus nominal (arus operasi) adalah sekitar 6A, tetapi ketika starting, ianya menjangkau 8X dari nilai tersebut. Pada pandangan saya heater switch tak sesuai digunakan untuk air con llebih besar daripada 1.5HP.

Kenapa starter digunakan ?

Untuk pengetahuan, kebiasaannya arus semasa permulaan motor untuk mula dihidupkan boleh mencapai 8 kali dari arus operasi biasa. Begitu juga, semakin besar motor, semakin besar kilasan atau torque diperlukan. Semakin besar juga arus diperlukan untuk itu.

Jangan peninglah pasal tu semua, kita cerita pasal starter je lah… masuk dalam sangat nanti feninglah… lain kali cerita ok.

Direct On Line Starter

Ada juga yang panggil Direct Overload. Kenapa ya… mungkin sebab ada thermal overload (thermal relay) pada starter tersebut. Starter ni mudah aje, ada contactor yang disambungkan pada overload.
Sambungan litarnya adalah seperti dibawah :-

Secara umumnya, litar DOL adalah seperti dibawah :- 

Litar di bawah ini adalah litar yang menggunakan coil 415VAC.

Litar di bawah ini adalah litar yang menggunakan coil 240VAC.

Perhatikan sambungan litar starter diatas. Hanya terdapat sedikit perbezaan iaitu  coil contactor yang digunakan. Bagi coil 415VAC, mana-mana dua dari 3 kabel "LIVE"  boleh menjadi punca kuasa coil tersebut. Manakala bagi 240VAC, punca kuasa coil adalah datangnya dari salah satu kabel "LIVE" dan satu lagi disambung kepada kabel neutral. Dalam pendawaian 3 fasa, adakala kawalan 3 fasa digunakan dan adakalanya kawalan satu fasa digunakan.

Pernah dan beberapa kali terjadi, ketiadaan stok contactor yang mempunyai kuasa coil yang asal terjadi. Untuk memastikan peralatan terus berfungsi, ubahsuaian perlu dibuat. Ianya dilakukan  dengan menggunakan contactor yang mempunyai coil 41VAC menggantikan contactor yang mempunyai coil 240VAC. Penadawaian kedua-dua cara tersebut kena mahir.

Dibawah ini juga pendawaian pada starter DOL. Ini yang biasa terdapat dalam starter siap berkotak. Dalam rajah dibawah, coilnya adah 415VAC. Sekiranya coil 240VAC hendak digunakan, sambungkan A1 kepada kabel neutral.

Boleh tak coil 415 disambung terus kepada 240 atau sebaliknya 240 kepada 415?

Jawapan sayaBiasanya, sebelum kerja sambungan dibuat pastikan ianya mengikut apa yang tertulis pada alatan tersebut. Camnepun, saya jawap….  Boleh kalau duit banyak. 415 kalau sambung kat 240 (ini dari pengalaman), tak tahan lama, paling kuat sehari je kot. Selepas tu logo yang tertulis 415 tu pun kecut… dan coil mati/putus "dalaman" sendiri. Ini pernah terjadi sebab member tersilap tengok. Kalau 240 sambung kat 415, tak yah tunggu lama, on je dah berasap… he he he. Duit banyaklah katakan… bos bayor, takpe belajor punya hal, kena berani cuba, risiko…. Kalau kena, sendiri tanggunglah…  Pengalaman adalah sesuatu yang tak boleh diajar….

Direct On Line ini digunakan untuk motor (dan juga Compressor) sehingga 5HP.  Malah ada juga yang menggunakan bagi system air con bersaiz sehingga 6HP. Bagi yang bersaiz 7.5HP keatas belum pernah lagi saya jumpa yang menggunakan starter jenis ini. Kebanyakkan saya jumpa ianya menggunakan starter jenis auto trans. Contohnya pada sistem air con sehingga 15HP (compressor). Akan diterangkan selanjutnya….




Wednesday, 27 July 2016

Question and Answer on electic motor

How do I calculate capacitor value for single phase motor?

We normaly replace by same value then that value is never calculated, if I were you and the old capacitor cannot be read I will buy the maximum capacity (for a voltage higher than grid) allowed in the compartment, the higher the capacitance the lower the voltage accross the capacitor, and see what happens. Remember that the whole purpose of starting winding is to get an mmf around 90 degrees out of phase with grid, that will not be acchieved but the higher the capacitance the easier the start.

What is a motor start capacitor?

Loring Chien, electrical engineer for 40 years

With single phase motors there is no impetus to cause the shaft to turn when power is applied. Nor is there a preferred direction of rotation if by chance it does start (e.g. when pushed).

It is commonly applied with a starter capacitor across one winding of the armature to advance its phase a few degrees. This is enough to make the motor start and to cause it to rotate in a preferred direction.

Leaving a starter cap in place makes a small amount of phase imbalance all the time so it wastes some power. Better motors and larger motors have centrifugal switches so that the starter cap is removed by the switch opening once the motor reaches speed. Thus achieving maximum efficiency.

Why are 3-phase induction motors self-starting, but 3-phase synchronous motors are not?

Tushar Gupta, EE undergrad, DTU(DCE)

3 Phase Induction Motor-

Expression for Torque-

  T= (V^2)* (R2)/(w syn)((R eq)^2 +(Xeq)^2)s

Where V- Equivalent Thevenin resistance
R2- Rotor resistance referred to stator
w syn- Synchronous angular speed
R eq- Equivalent Thevenin Resistance plus Rotor resistance at given slip s
X eq- Equivalent Thevenin Reactance plus Rotor Reactance

3 phase Synchronous Motor/Generator

Torque T= V*Ef*sin(∆)/ Xs


V- Applied Voltage
Ef- Induced Voltage
∆- Load/Torque Angle
Xs- Synchronous reactance

Thus when field excitation(Ef) is zero, then T for synchronous machine is zero but for induction machine T isn't equal to zero!
Thus induction machines are self starting wheres Synchronous machines aren't! :)

Tabi Mir, Electrical Engineer, M.Tech Student, passionate about my profession

Short answer: because synchronous motors and induction motors operate on different principles.

Long answer:
Consider a 3-phase induction motor: A 3- phase supply to the armature produces a rotating magnetic field. This flux being linked to the rotor coils, induces voltage and produces current in the rotor. The current carrying rotor being placed in a magnetic field, experiences a torque and hence begins to rotate.
Do you observe any problem in starting? No!

Now, consider a 3-phase synchronous motor. A 3-phase supply is given to the armature, producing a rotating magnetic field. However, the rotor has its own field produced by a D.C current flowing through the rotor windings. This rotor field tends to allign itself along with the rotating magnetic field produced by the stator (armature) i.e north ( of rotor) has to lock with the south (of stator). So what happens exactly? The north of rotor tries to chase the south of stator. But the stator magnetic field is rapidly rotating, and before the north of rotor could lock with south of stator, the stator field has shifted position so that its north (stator) comes in the vicinity of north ( rotor) and they repel. Because the rotor has certain inertia and the speed of the rotating magnetic field is too fast for it to catch up, it ends up vibrating (caught between on of the stator). So it fails to start. So what do you do?
1) give a reduced frequency supply to the stator, this will reduce the speed of rotation of the stator magnetic field and the rotor will easily catch up...once the rotor catches up you may increase the frequency.
2) manually rotate the rotor till it catches some speed and eventually locks the rotor field with the stator field.
3) use amortsieur windings:  the concept is to start the motor as an induction motor. Initially no DC field excitation is given and the motor operates as an induction motor. Once it attains some speed, d.c excitation is given and the rotor field alligns itself with the stator field, and rotor attains synchronous speed.

Remember , in an induction motor, torque is produced due to the interaction of induced current and flux. On the other hand, in a synchronous motor , torque is produced due to interaction between two independent fields!

Tushar Gupta, EE undergrad, DTU(DCE)

3 Phase Induction Motor-
Expression for Torque-
(V^2)* (R2)/(w syn)((R eq)^2 +(Xeq)^2)s
Where V- Equivalent Thevenin resistance
R2- Rotor resistance referred to stator
w syn- Synchronous angular speed
R eq- Equivalent Thevenin Resistance plus Rotor resistance at given slip s
X eq- Equivalent Thevenin Reactance plus Rotor Reactance

3 phase Synchronous Motor/Generator
Torque T= V*Ef*sin(∆)/ Xs
V- Applied Voltage
Ef- Induced Voltage
∆- Load/Torque Angle
Xs- Synchronous reactance

Thus when field excitation(Ef) is zero, then T for synchronous machine is zero but for induction machine T isn't equal to zero!
Thus induction machines are self starting wheres Synchronous machines aren't! :)

Akshay Chabukswar, Student at National Institute of Technology, Warangal

The basic aim of any electrical machine is to generate sinusoidal mmf & hence flux. The operation principle of 3-phase induction motor is that when 3-phase balanced supply is given to stator, a rotating magnetic field (rmf) is produced & it cuts the stationery rotor conductors & hence emf (& current) is induced in rotor (rotor is short circuited). Due to this rotor current, rotor mmf & hence flux is induced, which tries to nullify the cause (Lenz’s law) & so the rotor rotates so as to reduce the relative motion between rmf & rotor speed. So it is a self starting machine.
When a 3-phase synchronous motor is concerned, it is a doubly excited machine, rather than an induction machine. The rotor is supplied with a DC supply & stator is given a 3-phase balanced supply. The stator will generate rmf as in induction motor case. The rotor poles wont change as DC supply is given. The alignment of rotor poles with stator rmf gives us desired speed. If the rotor rotates initially, it aligns with stator rmf & so always runs with synchronous speed. If rotor is stationary, it becomes difficult for the rotor poles to catch up with the rmf speed & fails to rotate. So, they are provided with damper windings to generate starting torque (Induction motor principle) & in running conditions rotor aligns with rmf.
Suvra Pattanayak, a student

In synchronous machines the stator winding or armature winding is excited by alternating current,therefore a rotating magnetic field is developed in it which is moving at synchronous speed.the field winding is excited by a dc source.a stationary field will be produced.the rotating stator cores will interact with the stationary rotor poles.during the positive half it will rotate in one direction but in the next half cycle the rotating stator cores will change their position and rotor is urged to rotate in opposite direction.due to the rotor inertia,it fails to respond to the change in the direction of electromagnetic torque.that's why it has no starting torque.
But in Case of Induction motor the stator winding or armature is exited by alternating current. But the rotor conductor are short circuited. the three phase supply of stator created a flux called stator flux. Which is produced a rotating magnetic field in side the machine. By induction principle  the flux also created a voltage & current in the rotor. this induced current also produce a flux called rotor flux. this also created  rotating magnetic field.with interaction with rotor and sator flux a torque is produce in rotor. And the rotor rotates freely that's why poly phase induction motor is self staring.

Why inductor is not used instead of capacitors in single phase induction motors for starting?

Arunava Chatterjee, Electrical machines

If inductor is used, the motor would start but why will you want to use an inductor  (or increase inductance of one of the windings?) which will not only increase the cost but will also make the motor bulkier as number of turns of coils will increase. Also, the starting performance won't be better either (similar to a resistance split-phase motor as one winding will now have slightly higher resistance. You will have to take in the design consideration also while designing the starting arrangement. The power factor during such starting will decrease further for the motoring load.

Akshay Chabukswar, Student at National Institute of Technology, Warangal
In 1-phase induction motors, we are unable to get starting torque, So we mostly use permanent capacitor split phase starting method in ceiling fans. Its main aim is to split the single phase supply into 2 phases, having time displacement of 90 degrees, also mechanically the 2 windings are placed 90 degrees in space. It gives an rmf which produces a starting torque & makes it a self starting motor. So, the capacitor used in the other auxiliary winding mainly provides this 90 degrees time displacement. An inductor can also be used, but it has the following drawbacks-
1.       Bulky size of the inductor.
2.      Leakage reactance of it affects the value of the starting torque.
3.      Its delay in current affects the transients.

hope it was clear...

Priam Gupta, Studying Electrical and Electronics Engineering
We know that the supply current already lag the supply voltage by angle close to 90deg. because of inductance in the transmission line.
Therefore if we use an inductor for starting purpose the only thing that would happen is the impedence would increase and the motor wouldn't start because of the absence of any split phase.
Whereas in case of capacitor the current would lead the voltage hence there will presence of phase split in the single phase supply which would start the motor.

Can we use inductor instead of capacitor to give phase difference for starting of a single phase induction motor?

Selva Kumar, Studying Electrical Engineering

Since in a motor,the current lags the voltage so for that reason the motor cannot self start.
To make it self start,the current should lead the voltage.
For this we are using capacitor,because capacitor has an leading power factor.
If you use an inductor,it will make it worse for the motor to start.
Because inductor has lagging power factor.

If single phase motors (capacitor start induction run motors) are not self starting, then why is a direct online (D.O.L.) starter not connected to it?

Badri Arvind, (former) Electrical Engineer

For industrial applications, all motors are fed power through motor control centres which essentially consist of multiple direct online starters for the various motors in the plant. As far as I know, DOL is a method of closing the power circuit which supplies power to the motor when a power button (remotely located) is pressed.

Please understand that a single-phase induction motor does not start even if the DOL circuit is closed. So, voltage will exist across the circuit but the motor won't start due to the double revolving magnetic field which cancel out each other's effect and hence torque would be zero. So, DOL starting is the norm in industrial applications, but a capacitor is always needed to put the motor in motion.

Arunava Chatterjee, Electrical machines

First of all, single-phase induction motors are not self-starting. For making a single-phase IM self starting, capacitor, resistance etc are used. This is known as phase splitting. Phase Splitting means, a single phase is split into two phases making the motor self-starting. It depends on how well you split two phases that the motor will have better starting torque.
Now, D-O-L starting is directly putting the motor across the mains using a switching arrangement and a overload relay. This can be good for three-phase self starting IM. But if a capacitor start single-phase IM is used, there is no need to use another starter for it. However it can be used as a safety arrangement during starting.

First of all please bear in mind that single phase motors are not self starting.. And it is made to start only through phase splitting, simply making another phase to counter act the effect of double revolving magnet field. This can be achieved through providing another winding of resistance or inductance or capacitance. So in practical sense single phase motors are having two phase winding. On the other hand DOL starters are devices having some switching mechanism and overload protecting devices .These are not supposed to provide the required starting torque for single phase motors. DOL starters are only used with lower HP motors for making its starting process smooth and safe..So there is no use at all to connect DOL starters for starting the single phase motor..

Will a phase 3 electric motor work on single phase?

Phil Karn, Electrical engineer, radio ham, computer networking engineer

Yes, but poorly and with caveats.
The first caveat is that the motor won't start by itself. If you don't do anything it will simply sit there and burn up.
If you give it a twist it will start and run in that direction but with considerably less efficiency and output power. It will probably vibrate more than usual.
There's an interesting application for a 3-phase motor running on single phase, because the third (unused) terminal develops a voltage that reproduces 3-phase AC power. The voltage isn't balanced so it's not very good 3-phase, but many people use this phenomenon to make a simple rotary phase converter. You take a relatively large 3-phase AC motor, connect it to single phase AC and provide a means to start it, and then you run it continuously without load just to generate the other two phases to run other, smaller 3-phase motors in a machine shop. They won't run as well as on true 3-phase AC, but the method is very simple and often sufficient for many users unable to afford a true phase converter.

What is single phasing in 3 Phase Motor?

Sarbajit Roy, Studied about Electrical Machinery

Sudden disappearance of a phase (any one of three phases) while the induction motor is running is know as single phasing. Actually the loss of current (no supply voltage in that phase means no supply current) in a phase is called single phasing.
The causes of Single Phasing is
1) One of the three back up fuses blows (or fuse wire melts).
2) One of the contactor for motor is open circuited.
3) Single phasing might also be caused due to wrong setting of the protection devices provided on the motor.
4) Contactors are coated due to oxidation hence not conducting.
5) Relay contacts may be damage or broken.
The effects of Single Phasing
1) Due to single phasing the current in the remaining two phases increases and it is approximately 2.4 times the normal current value.
2) Single Phasing reduces the speed of the motor.
3) The motor becomes noisy and starts vibrating due to uneven torque produced in the motor.
4) If the motor is arranged for standby and automatic starting then the motor will not start, and if the overload relay provided fails to function then the motor may burn.
5) The winding may melt due to overheating and can give a fatal shock to the personnel.

Harsimran Kaur, Electrical and Electronics Engineering Grad

The 3 phase motors must be connected to rated voltage and load for proper working. If due to some reasons, one phase of the motor gets disconnected, the motor will continue to run from the active 2 phase supply. This is called Single phasing.
If the 3 phase motor is running and then one of the phase gets disconnected, the motor will continue run with vibrations and reduced speed. However depending on the loading conditions, the motors may/may not start on two phases.
Single phasing is not desirable for the proper operation of the induction motors and appropriate measures should be taken to protect the machine.

1.       One of the three back up fuses blows (or fuse wire melts).
2.      One of the contactor for motor is open circuited.
3.      Wrong setting of the protection devices provided on the motor.
4.      Relay contacts may be damage or broken.

Effects of single phasing:
1.       The motor runs with a reduced speed.
2.      It operates with an uneven torque and produces a humming noise.
3.      Due to the loss of current from one phase the current flowing through the remaining 2 phases increases. The winding insulation, at times, may not be designed to withstand the increased current and heat thereby damaging the insulation and causing a short circuit between the windings and the motor burns out.
4.      It may cause overloading of the generator.
5.      If the motor is arranged for standby and automatic starting then the motor will not start, and if the overload relay provided fails to function then the motor may burn.
Protection devices:
Overload relay: All the three phases of the motor are fitted with an overload relay. If there is any increase in the value of the current then this relay activates automatically and the motor trips.

Thermistors: They are used along with the electromagnetic relay and inserted in the 3 windings of the motor. They sense the increase in the temperature and a signal is sent to the amplifier which in turn amplifies the current signal and operates the relay coil resulting in tripping.

Binita Kumari Dash, Graduate in Electrical engineering. Basic is electricity...

For working of three phase motor, we need a three phase supply. The supply is given to each of the phases. Once the motor starts rotating, if one of the phases gets disconnected, the motor will continue to run with the rest of the two running phases. This effect of loss of Current through one of the phases is called as '' single phasing '' in motors.

Single phasing may occur due to any reason that results in opening of one of the phases. The reasons can be, 
1.      Blowing or melting of one of the fuses in the phase
2.      Any malfunctioning in the contactor or relay connected to a phase resulting loss of supply to that phase etc.

Due to single phasing, the current in one phase becomes zero. So, the rest of the healthy phases carry more current to meet the same load demand, approximately 2.5times the previous value or rated value. Due to this, overloading occurs in the other two phases. If the load is small, then the motor will rotate normally without any damage to itself. But if the load is high, then the motor will burn due to excessive current flowing in the phases, in case if the overload relay fails to work. So, protective devices should be employed to avoid the effects of single phasing in case of three phase motors.